Wrath of God
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Great White Throne
This indicates that those people of walking God’s wrath, their time is running out until the condemnation of great white throne which that is the greatest judgement of the wicked. Great white throne is the future occurrence which that sinners who went to hell which already experienced God’s wrath in spirit but yet they haven’t took a toll of God’s at full throttle but the great white throne is exactly when they will face Him. There is no way to escape Him because “Him who was seated on it. From his presence earth and sky fled away, and no place was found for them” (Revelation 20:11). “The multitude unbelievers will stand before the throne and the books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead was judged by what was written in the books, according to what they had done” (Revelation 20:12). The first death will be in Hell, it is spiritually suffering alone but Lake of fire the unbelievers will experience second death in eternal agony with flesh! After facing the great white throne. This is the warning of the unbelievers because whoever doesn’t believe in Jesus Christ that he died on the cross for our sins so that we can be justified before God not by the works but grace alone. Whoever rejects Jesus as a savior and not believe in him “will not be found written in the book of life, they will be thrown into the lake of fire” (Revelation 20:15).
Salvation- Grace
Salvation means in (Greek) “Deliverance” of the spiritual and eternal which it’s granted immediately by those who believed in Jesus Christ and accepted His condition of repentance and faith in Him. Eternal life spiritually and eventually will be physical which will be heavenly peace with no more of strife, sadness, and confusion. Salvation itself is Sola gratia (Grace alone) which that means it’s free gift from God it’s not by us doing the works of being saved from our sins. Jesus Christ did the works for us! He died on the cross for us and we just have to repent and faith in our Savior Jesus Christ. Sinners are in total depravity and blinded in darkness “ for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23) but Jesus Christ is the Light of the world so whoever believes shall be no longer a bondservant of Sin and justified by his grace and faith alone. It’s God’s power to deliver from bondage of sin and believers are no longer being a children of Satan. They are no longer come short in the glory of God. God adopts believers as his children! “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23). How to be saved just understand Jesus died on the cross for our sins and he rose up in the last three days so we may have eternal life, Repent, and faith just do the prayer and ask him for forgiveness of your sins in this website. http://www.salvationprayer.info
Justification- Righteousness
Jesus Christ Died on the cross for who believes in him shall not perish which means whoever believes in him that he died for our sins and confessed their mouth that they sinned against God and repent will not be condemned. That is justification of faith alone, Jesus’ blood on the cross is the new covenant which whoever believes in him shall be righteous before God and believe that Jesus risen in last three days those believers will have eternal life through Jesus Christ the believers is justified in His sight so that they will not go through God’s wrath. The old covenant in old testament that all Jews have to kill the clean lamb and sacrifice every year for God to remove their sins. Jesus Christ is the lamb of God he died on cross for our sins and we shall believe in him once that he washed his blood for our sins once so that we shall be justified and approvable for Lord. All people are guilty under the law which is ten commandments. “1.You shall have no other gods before me 2. You shall not make for yourself a carved image 3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain 4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy 5. Honor your father and your mother 6. You shall not murder 7. You shall not commit adultery 8. You shall not steal 9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor 10. You shall not covet” (Exodus 20). Unbelievers already failed the law so Jesus Christ is perfecter of the law so we just believe in him so that he will be our attorney before God that is justification.
Repentance and Sola fide
Repentance is most essential for whoever believes in Jesus Christ is our personal savior. Repentance means faith in Jesus Christ that he died for our sins. When a sinners repent and change their old sinful life to holy life. That is greatest faith in Jesus Christ not only that Christians are not perfect because “none is righteous, no, not one” (Romans 3:10). Whoever believes in Jesus Christ shall fight the good fight and try to please God in everything they do. If they sin they shall repent and cut off the old habits and it’s all about self discipline and personal training for holiness. Always stay faithful to God because God is always faithful. Repentance is when you see a fast flowing white water rapids and you saw all people sitting on the tube and their faces seem like they are in adrenaline rush. They are smiling and enjoying themselves and they didn’t have any concern what is the dead end of the river. Then you saw many people just decide to slip off the tube and start to climb upstream of the water because they believed and they began their battle for holy life for Jesus Christ that is repentance. For those who didn’t slip off the tube and repent they ended up going down to hell. Sola Fide is Latin term means “faith alone” not by works but faith in Jesus Christ that he is Lord and savior.
Sin therefore hell

God's wrath- Holy & Mercy
The wrath of God is showing his divine anger towards to unbelievers know as sinners. God’s wrath, which is a product of His holiness because he must be holy to judge the universe and he is blameless God he is perfect of all things. He cannot touch sin. He has a magnificent right to be wrathful to unbelievers but we as a human we have no right to be angry and judge anyone because we have sin nature in us we are unholy to be angry that involves with jealousy, conceit, deception, and power. God himself loathes all sin and his anger against the sinners it’s similar verse in the bible (Psalm 7:11). He is Righteous God and everything about him is perfect so therefore God has absolute right to condemn the sinners. As matter of fact the sinners already under sentence of condemnation to hell. The Law of God is perfect which no sinners can be righteous under the law. Whoever doesn’t believe in Lord is condemned already because of their depravities, hardened hearts, desire to do sinful things, they don’t seek God and have no desire to please Him. His wrath is very heavy burden for sinners but yet you must recognize his mercy! Sinners are lucky to be alive today because if there is no mercy in Lord. For instance God has lifelong patience for unbelievers (sinners) because they sin against him which that is a product of his wrath just like your parents will be angry when you won’t listen to them just same to God with the sinners who doesn’t believe in him. Every sinners won’t have an opportunity to have a time to believe in Jesus Christ therefore will go straight to hell instantly but with his mercy, multitude sinners are walking around with God’s wrath and being able to continue the days of their lives with His mercy. God is infinite and we all are finite. His infinite mercy and wrath altogether in one perfect divine emotion towards sinners. “It is important to note that the mercies which God bestows on the wicked are solely of a temporal nature; that is to say, they are confined strictly to this present life. There will be no mercy extended to them beyond the grave” (Pink, 87).
God's Attributes "What is his character?"
My purpose of this Blog, I wanted to spread the gospel (The good news) about Lord Jesus Christ and understanding God’s attributes because not many people know God’s character and why Christians are spreading out the Gospel like a fire because we are sharing the truth to the world that Jesus Christ is our savior and he died for our sins I will explain more in other post. I want you to understand God’s attributes before I engage anything about the wrath of God. God is holy he shall have the perfect right to judge anyone in the in universe and he cannot mess around with sin. He is already self-sufficiency that means he will always have his own glory alone from eternity past and eternity future without angels and believers to glorify him. He has everything and he doesn’t need anything for his assistance. God is independent from everything and he is not created he is the creator of the all things. Himself alone can give life because life is in Him (Acts 17:25). He can do as he pleases for things he created (Daniel 4:35). God is incommunicable and we are communicable which that He is infinite in all things and Humans are finite because we only have 10 percent of his intelligence, emotions, and spirit. God is unchangeable and we are changeable; He is omniscience (Omni = all Science = knowledge), He is omnipresence which he is anywhere in different place and different behavior as well. For example Jesus Christ was doing his earthy ministries at same time he is sitting on his heavenly throne (John 10:30; John 14:11). God is omnipotent which he is powerful and there is nothing is powerful than him. He is sovereign Lord he made all things possible out of his mouth (Psalm 33:6).
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