My purpose of this Blog, I wanted to spread the gospel (The good news) about Lord Jesus Christ and understanding God’s attributes because not many people know God’s character and why Christians are spreading out the Gospel like a fire because we are sharing the truth to the world that Jesus Christ is our savior and he died for our sins I will explain more in other post. I want you to understand God’s attributes before I engage anything about the wrath of God. God is holy he shall have the perfect right to judge anyone in the in universe and he cannot mess around with sin. He is already self-sufficiency that means he will always have his own glory alone from eternity past and eternity future without angels and believers to glorify him. He has everything and he doesn’t need anything for his assistance. God is independent from everything and he is not created he is the creator of the all things. Himself alone can give life because life is in Him (Acts 17:25). He can do as he pleases for things he created (Daniel 4:35). God is incommunicable and we are communicable which that He is infinite in all things and Humans are finite because we only have 10 percent of his intelligence, emotions, and spirit. God is unchangeable and we are changeable; He is omniscience (Omni = all Science = knowledge), He is omnipresence which he is anywhere in different place and different behavior as well. For example Jesus Christ was doing his earthy ministries at same time he is sitting on his heavenly throne (John 10:30; John 14:11). God is omnipotent which he is powerful and there is nothing is powerful than him. He is sovereign Lord he made all things possible out of his mouth (Psalm 33:6).
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